Currently we are seeking outstanding graduate students and postdoc with background and research experience in pharmacology, neuroscience, drug delivery, and polymer sciences.
Note that our graduate department will not accept international students for a few years unless you are fully funded by government scholarships. Research projects within the Wu lab consists of a multidisciplinary team of students and scientists from various disciplines and backgrounds. The interdisciplinary nature of our work enables researchers in the lab acquire a broad skill set, including drug formulation, polymer synthesis, nanocarrier system design, cell culture, and animal handling. Our lab frequently collaborates with scientists in research institutes and pharmaceutical industry, which provides an excellent environment for individuals seeking multidisciplinary training and interdisciplinary research.
We seek outstanding and highly motivated students and scientists to join the group. Talented individuals with excellent track record and background in related fields such as chemistry, polymer science, pharmaceutics, chemical engineering, mathematical (or molecular) modeling, toxicology, pharmacology, molecular biology, or nanotechnology are encouraged to apply. Prospective postdocs and graduate students should send a CV and cover letter including research experience, a statement of research interests, list of publications (if applicable) and the names and contact information of three referees to [email protected]. Undergraduate students seeking for summer or project positions should send a copy of the transcript along with CV and letter. Graduate students should apply to Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate program and also contact Dr Wu via email. |